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Current Vacancies

Fancy a new challenge in the future IT industry?

Then check out nevertheless simply our current vacancies.

myLoc managed IT AG is a company of WIIT S.p.A., the Italian cloud provider that focuses on business-critical cloud applications and is listed in the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana (WIIT.MI). With our brands webtropia.com and servdisocunt.com we are end-customer segmented and we service and operate today more than 10,000 server systems. For professional users, we offer our customers a secure data center environment for server systems and tailored Hosting Solutions.

Our steady growth in recent years reflects the number of employees, therefore we are always looking for new, motivated and friendly permanent employees and trainees in our location in Düsseldorf, Germany.

We learn from and with each other. We achieve this by sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other and we are open to learn new things from our employees.

Thanks to flat hierarchies and good development opportunities, each employee can unfold his/hers full potential and contribute to progress in our company, whether he or she is just starting or already ten years in operation, whether self-taught or educated. Fancy a new challenge in the future IT industry?

Then check out our current job openings. We’ll gladly accept your unsolicited application! You can find more information and job offers at jobs.wiit.cloud/en/

More information and job openings at jobs.wiit.cloud